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 [LYRICS] Mean Street

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Nombre de messages : 1993
Age : 36
Localisation : avec gugus dans la grotte choude!!!
Date d'inscription : 16/03/2007

[LYRICS] Mean Street Empty
MessageSujet: [LYRICS] Mean Street   [LYRICS] Mean Street Icon_minitimeVen 13 Fév - 1:14


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Mean Street
Dixgård / Norén © 2008 Copyright Control

Let me take you for a ride
far away from the upper side
we're going down to the mean street

Johnny's got a brand new 38
he thinks it's gonna cure his hate
Ah it's all done in the mean street

It's the state of grace

and It's all done in the mean street

Take my hand and close your pretty eyes
cus it's gonna hurt so much when summer hits
New Nork sky
oh no, it's all done in the mean street

God I love this stormy cloud
Where all nasty girls they like it loud
It's all good in the mean streets

Diane had her grand debut here
Michael couldn't even tell if it was
pleasure or fear
It's all done in the mean street

and It's my little state of grace

It goes down in the mean street

Take my hand and close your pretty eyes
cus it's gonna hurt so much when summer hits
New York sky
oh no, it's all done in the mean street

The heights, the sights, the green, the
the easy way of doing everything hard,
the fashion
Oh I hate that street with... passion

Take my hand and close your pretty eyes
cus it's gonna hurt so much when summer hits
New York sky
oh no, it's all done in the mean street
it's all done in the mean street
it's all done in the mean street
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[LYRICS] Mean Street
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